Report to:

Lead Member for Transport and Environment


Date of meeting:


25 September 2023


Director of Communities, Economy and Transport



Creation of a single Parking Board



To authorise the creation of a single Parking Board covering all four areas of Civil Parking Enforcement.


RECOMMENDATIONS: The Lead Member is recommended to:

(1)  Agree the Terms of Reference set out in Appendix 1

(2)  Authorise the creation of a single Parking Board covering all four areas of Civil Parking Enforcement.



1       Background Information

1.1.        There are four areas of Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) which were introduced several years apart. Hastings Borough 1999, Lewes District 2004, Eastbourne Borough 2008 and Rother District 2020. Two separate Joint Parking Boards that meet twice a year were first set up with Hastings Borough and Lewes District councils.

1.2.        The initial role of the Joint Parking Boards was to ensure the ethos under which the CPE scheme is operated takes account of local circumstances and needs. Ensure the appropriate public and stakeholder consultation is undertaken where relevant and to keep the relevant executives of both Councils informed on relevant matters.

1.3       The boards are comprised of County, District, and Borough Councillors and officers, although they do not have any executive decision-making powers.


2     Supporting Information

2.1.        The legislation that covers CPE is the Traffic Management Act 2004. In the statutory Guidance for local authorities on enforcing parking restrictions it emphasises the importance of dialogue and joint activities with other authorities and services. The Council is committed to open dialogue and receiving suggestions from the borough and district councils for improvements to East Sussex County Council (ESCC)’s on-street parking schemes. Joint parking boards also give the councils attending the opportunity to update each other about changes in their area, national legislation, developments in enforcement and innovations to services.

2.2.        Our two Joint Boards are currently held separately, although the Terms of Reference for the Lewes and Hastings Joint Parking Boards (appendix 2 and 3) include similar points and overall have the same objectives. Board meetings are held every six months, each meeting is attended by the enforcement contractor NSL, that produce a report for each area detailing the previous six months activities and parking issues in each area (appendices 4 and 5).

2.3.        Through 2020 and 2021 the impact of Covid restrictions on meetings and pressures on local authorities resulted in the pausing of all the parking boards.

2.4.        With the introduction of CPE into Rother District in September 2020 and the Council receiving a request from Eastbourne Borough to establish a Parking Board, we are proposing a change of the current format of Parking Boards to include all areas with CPE. This will ensure we look at the county as a whole, where appropriate, have a consistent approach across all areas and make best use of the time of all those attending.

2.5.        It is proposed to hold one collective meeting for all CPE areas, twice a year with representatives from all four CPE areas in attendance. One meeting to be held in May with service updates and enforcement activity reports. One meeting to be held in November would include a review of the Annual Parking Report and financial performance, starting in 2024. Having one collective meeting will maintain the Council’s engagement with borough and district councils, and allow for consistent scrutiny of all the parking schemes. Whilst also making the most efficient use of Members’ and officer time.

2.6.        Appendix 1 details the proposed Terms of Reference for a single joint Board meeting subject to the approval of the Lead Member for Transport and Environment.


3     Conclusion and Reasons for Recommendations

3.1.        To revise how the current joint Parking Boards are held, to include all four CPE areas, ensuring a consistent approach across the county and making the best use of Members’ and officer’s time.

3.2.        It is recommended to change the current format and hold one collective meeting every six months with representatives from all four areas.

3.3.        It is recommended to agree the new Terms of Reference as shown in Appendix 1.



Director of Communities, Economy and Transport

Contact Officer: Daniel Clarke
Tel. No. 01273 464057





